
As managers of your homeowners association, we’re well aware that the best we could do is to not mess with a good thing by dramatically altering the beauty of our natural surroundings or converting them into the unthinkable. It’s not why you’re here, it not why we’re here.

The impact and presence of your homeowners association is intentionally subtle, yet clear. The essence of our role is to create a community environment that is in harmony, both with our surroundings and with our neighbors. In doing so, our tools are the Association’s rules, regulations and guidelines that we enforce so as to prevent the unsightly structures or offensive activities that can detract from the quality of life that we have all grown to enjoy and expect here.

Some of our duties are easier to identify, such as maintaining some of the roads in our neighborhood or assisting in the development of properties in a manner that promotes the Architectural Guidelines’ vision of our community. Of late, we have also been working on your behalf to protect the natural and fragile beauty of our meadow from vehicular traffic by limiting access to it by cars and motorcycles.

Cambridge Estates is both upscale and unpretentious. We’re an association made up of people who live here, not a corporation with a faraway zip code. That ensures you of having input and control over matters that make our neighborhood a more pleasant place to live.